Author Archives: oluseunolushina1

Magazine: “From B-Ball to Broadcast Booth” Rosalyn Gold-Onwude for Radiant Health Magazine, Issue No. 12, The Womanhood Issue

There’s no stopping Rosalyn Gold-Onwude. Radiant Magazine’s Issue 12, The Womanhood Issue, features none other than the talented, beautiful spirit and quintessential #RadiantWoman that is Ros Gold-Onwude, @Rosgo21. Ros is dominating a space that didn’t have her in mind when it was created, and doing it with incredible grace and style. And she has a story to tell!

Listening Party: Jidenna’s 85 to Africa Pop Up Album Listening Party in Brooklyn, New York at 14B Rooftop

Jidenna stopped in Brooklyn, NY, for yet another surprise pop up listening party with literally 800+ people showing up.