The leaders of Nigeria must be held accountable for the killings of peaceful protestors. Change starts now! #EndSARS
Yesterday Nigerian civilians were slaughtered by their own military for expressing their basic human rights by peacefully protesting!

It’s a shame that the president of Nigeria, Buhari, hasn’t spoken up! What has this world come to? It doesn’t make sense.
We must all try our best to help fight in which ever way that we can!
1. Stay Informed – As with a lot of online movements, there is a lot of misinformation and misrepresentation of facts around the #EndSARS movement so it is important to be accurately informed. Since the #EndSARS movement started online, the hashtags are a good place to start.
There are also explainer videos detailing the #EndSARS movement, and a website has been created to document accounts of the Nigerian youth’s brutal experiences at the hands of the police.
2. Lend Your Voice – When the hashtag first went viral in 2017, the #EndSARS protest was sustained by organic action by thousands of young Nigerians on social media. It was a tool through which young Nigerians brought the attention of the world to the state of police brutality in Africa’s most populated nation.
3. Donate – Lots of crowdfunding efforts have been put in place by young Nigerians to support protesters with food, health and legal services, security, and other assistance to protesters.
Most notable of these fundraising efforts has been led by the Feminist Coalition, which has raised more than 70 million Naira (about $180,000) in a wide range of currencies, including bitcoin. Organisers are evidently keen to demonstrate the accountability that protesters are demanding from the government through detailed, public reports on funds received and disbursed.
You can also follow support and donate at:
The – @ijeomakola
leaders – @thedailyseyi
Of – @the_odditty
Nigeria – @kiitana
Must – @chinnyco
Be – @chiniluv
Held – @sincerelyoghosa
Accountable – @chiziduru
For – @nnennab
Killing – @tolaniav
Peaceful – @awedbymoni
Protesters – @piecesofonye
Change – @iam_eloho
Starts – @africancreature
Now – @kamsendoo
#ENDSARS – @ronkeraji