Author Archives: Nikki Billie Jean

Beauty: Pink Matter – Yariszbeth Itzel

Pink Matter!

Editorial: La Nouvelle Orléans by Creative Soul Photography

When these black babies look at themselves, we want them to feel a sense of pride. No self doubt, no insecurities. There’s enough of that to go around on a daily basis. This is why its important for us to give them a moment in time that they’ll always remember. It’s also important for us […]

Food: Fish Mwambe by Africa Chow

Fish Mwambe is a classic dish from the Democratic Republic of Congo formerly known as Zaire. Though this version is made with fish, Mwambe can also be prepared with beef, lamb or chicken. It is also considered as the national dish of the country and usually eaten with fufu or rice. ⠀ Recipe by: @lindaacooks⠀Music […]

Fashion Film: “Kola Nut” by Vlisco

Wear the memories that give meaning to your life, and add vibrant life to yourself and community.⁣ The ritual of the kola nut is woven with meaning throughout West Africa, and every group of people tell a different tale of its power. View this post on Instagram Fashion Film: Kola Nut by @vlisco. The ritual […]